Queer(y)ing the Disabled Body:
Sex, Love, (Un-)visibilities, Temporalities
Friday 12 November / Saturday 13 November 2021
An online seminar on sexualities, bodies and aesthetic cultures
Call for Abstracts
With this conference, we place the aesthetics of the disabled body centre-stage as a queer(y)ing of the normative modalities of beauty, sex, love and desirability. We particularly challenge the tensions between being/not being seen, and the paradox of invisibility and visibility. Indeed, attempts to trouble the conventions of sexuality as oppositions to the tyranny of the normal (C. Lord & R. Meyer 2019) are implicitly woven into the historical fabric of the representation of sexualities and bodies.
About us
This event is organised by Jean-Philippe Imbert and Dr Sarah Meehan O'Callaghan
(SALIS, DCU) . We are both members of EROSS@DCU, a research group at Dublin City University which recognises the intersectional nature of gender and sex matters, and their intrinsic relationship to our experiences in the world as intimate, social and political beings.
Programme Information
You will find here information on the online programme, the details of which will be finalised after 19th of July 2021.
The Registration fee is € 25 .
Back in March 2021 we had organised a first online conference on a similar topic (Disabilities/Sexualities) please see previous programme and recordings.